General Services

LCG Offers the following Water and Wastewater Utility Services…


Classic one-way training does not yield retention. Training, coupled with supportive coaching and applied practice does. LCG has proven methods Operators respond to towards gaining certifications and learning field practices.


Dusty O&M Manuals on a shelf serves no purpose in the field. Without an easy-to-use O&M Manual, assets and performance suffer at the cost of the utility. Let LCG enhance your existing Manuals, so they are used every day in the field where they belong.


Process adjustments made after something happens is reactive and holds risk in non-compliance and costly recovery. Proactive process control treats data differently. LCG can show your staff how to develop a proactive process control program reducing costs and non-compliance.


Every project operates with risks. LCG can identify those risks and work with your staff to reduce or eliminate them. Risks including operations, maintenance, recordkeeping, condition assessments, capital planning, and needed program development that can contribute to cultural change within your utility.

LCG works with both large and small businesses to ensure that their assets and facilities are being serviced, maintained and operating as designed. We assist you with oversight and verification of your environmental compliance programs. We also work with you to ensure you are meeting all federal, state and local regulations with regard to frequent maintenance and reporting.

LCG Offers the following Wastewater Environmental Compliance Program Support Services…

Industrial Pretreatment Permit Support Services

LCG has the resources and experienced staff to assist government clients meet all EPA/State requirements relating to IP Programs, including Local Limits Development, evaluation and Code Revision, Enforcement Response Plan development, Industrial Wastewater Discharge (IWD) Permit development, and SIU Inspection and sampling support.

We can assist private clients with preparing the Baseline Monitoring Reports, the initial IWD Permit Application, providing wastewater pretreatment equipment options, design and construct wastewater pretreatment equipment, prepare spill prevention control and countermeasure (SPCC) plans, prepare Toxic Organics Management Plans (TOMP), perform the sampling and analysis, preparing Self Monitoring Reports, evaluate results to assess facility compliance and submit to regulating agency/utility, provide recommendations in response to enforcement correspondences, and provide legal support case review case expert testimony.

FOG Systems (Grease Trap/Interceptor, Oil/Water Separator (OWS), and Lift station) Program Asset Management Services

  • Initial Asset Evaluation Inspections                          Solids Depth
  • 3rd Party Compliance Verification Inspections
  • Continuous Electronic Monitoring Option
  • Employee Fog BMP Education
  • Waste Manifest Tracking & Verification
  • Asset Integrity/ Degradation Inspections

Not all businesses have active Fats Oils and Grease (FOG) Programs. Is your business only focused on maintaining compliance in municipal areas that regulate and require grease trap/interceptor, OWS, and/or lift station maintenance? If so, then the rest of your assets are most likely suffering from waste overloading, excessive waste accumulation, accelerated asset degradation, and/or improper device maintenance, all common causes of sanitary sewer backups, wastewater overflows, and related cleanup costs (both inside and outside of the facility) and regulatory fines. Additionally, the excessive accumulation of grease in your sanitary sewer system (grease trap and lift station) will generate high hydrogen sulfide and low pH conditions in these assets, eventually destroying these expensive concrete structures. Excessive grease and debris in your wastewater will also harm costly lift station pumps, float switches and other internal operating parts.

LCG can provide your business with the following FOG Program services:
  • Develop and implement a proactive FOG Program for your business.
  • Perform an initial asset evaluation service to determine optimal cleaning/maintenance frequency for each asset.
  • Perform on-site 3rd Party Environmental Compliance Verification & Inspections to ensure your contractor is performing the required scheduled preventative maintenance services for all your FOG systems and back-up generator, in accordance with industry standards and your FOG Program requirements.
  • Verify scheduled preventive maintenance services of your FOG Systems (grease trap/interceptor, OWS, and lift station devices) and back-up generator.
  • Provide continuous (electronic) asset monitoring to verify wastes are being completely removed during contracted cleaning/maintenance services, or to optimize/minimize cleaning/maintenance frequency.
  • Track and maintain your waste manifests to ensure proper waste disposal.
  • Educate your staff of FOG best management practices (BMPs) to reduce FOG waste discharged to your assets, and to reduce asset maintenance cost.
  • Inspect and verify internal piping from start of line to grease trap interceptor and determine best management practice to keep these lines free and clear of grease build up.
  • Perform asset integrity/degradation inspections (to ensure your devices are operating to design), and report the appropriate options recommended for your asset (repair, rehabilitate, or replacement).

    3rd Party Environmental Compliance Verification Inspection Services for Stormwater/Wastewater/ FOG/Groundwater/UST Programs

    LCG can monitor your contractor to verify contract performance and compliance with environmental program regulatory requirements. LCG’s extensive staff experience in stormwater, wastewater, groundwater dewatering or contaminated wastewater/groundwater remediation project compliance requirements, and UST operational requirements qualify us to provide you with the compliance verification inspection services to meet your project needs. LCG compliance verification services include on-site inspection, photo and video documentation, and electronic compliance reporting to the client to support project performance and compliance findings.

    Compliance verification services provided by LCG include:

    • Stormwater project verification inspections to verify construction site activities or routine stormwater project compliance with SWPPPs, NPDES regulatory requirements and Stormwater Program requirements.
    • Stormwater rehabilitation projects that involve pond dredging, grading, de-watering and restoration.
    • Wastewater project verification inspections to verify compliance with local, state, federal regulatory requirements and FOG Program requirements.
    • Groundwater dewatering project verification inspections
    • Contaminated wastewater/groundwater remediation project verification services
    • UST Site inspection and records review to evaluate UST compliance and to verify the inspection services performed by contractors complies with regulatory (Energy Policy Act) requirements.

    Wastewater FOG System Program Asset Design Support, and Construction Oversight

    Solids Depth If your wastewater system asset (grease trap/interceptor, OWS, or lift station) requires complete replacement, or you require the installation of a new device, LCG can help you. LCG can prepare project cost estimates, and detailed design drawing and associated building permit submittals required to support your project. Once your contractor is selected, we can help you oversee this construction and manage the project for you.

    LCG will ensure all work is performed to code and a regulation, including making sure any tank abandonment is performed within all environmental compliance guidelines, including verification of permits for installation of new devices.

    LCG Also Offers…

  • Stormwater/Wastewater Project Management Support, Contractor Activity Verification Support & Project Cost Estimating

    LCG’s experienced Project Managers can support your project, by verifying key contractor activities are performed in accordance with contract scope-of-work, contract documents, and with regulatory requirements. LCG will provide photo and video documentation, and electronic compliance reporting to support project performance and compliance findings. ECS can complete scope review, cost review and invoice verification.

    Property Procurement Phase I & II Environmental Audit Services

    LCG also specializes in providing Phase I and II Environmental Audits to support prospective property purchases or pre-construction activities. Phase I and II Environmental Audits are conducted to identify environmental problems (such as chemical or hazard waste spills) or issues connected with the property that might require future expenditures/remediation to meet local, state, and federal environmental guidelines. LCG prides in the level of effort we put forth in conducting this research, researching all property appraiser and government databases, DEP files, and historic aerial photographs, in person if these records are not available electronically. Combined with our extensive experience in locating and assessing contamination, LCG is the best choice to serve your Phase I and II Environmental Audit needs.

    Groundwater/Wastewater/Stormwater Contamination Assessment, Remediation, Design, Construction, Project Oversight, Remediation System O&M

    Whether it is preliminary investigation, a contamination assessment or remedial design and cleanup, LCG has the expertise and technology to help you meet state and federal regulations and restore the value to your contaminated property. We will recommend and execute the safest, most cost-effective corrective actions; obtain regulatory approval; and adopt a preventive, proactive approach to remediating the contamination from your property.

    Industrial Pretreatment Permit Support Services

    LCG has the resources and experienced staff to assist you with meeting all requirements under your Industrial Wastewater Discharge (IWD) Permit. We can assist you with preparing the Baseline Monitoring Report, the initial IWD Permit Application, providing wastewater pretreatment equipment options, design and construct wastewater pretreatment equipment, prepare spill prevention control and countermeasure (SPCC) plans, prepare Toxic Organics Management Plans (TOMP), perform the sampling and analysis, preparing Self Monitoring Reports, evaluate results to assess facility compliance and submit to regulating agency/utility, provide recommendations in response to enforcement correspondences, and provide legal support case review case expert testimony.

    Spill Prevention/Contingency Plan Development, Training & Verification

    LCG can prepare a Spill Prevention/Contingency Plan to minimize and reduce your risk exposure to the effects of spills at your facility. Spill Prevention/Contingency Plans, in conjunction with regular employee and key management staff training can significantly minimize the risk and liability associated with spills and accidents. Let our staff prepare a Spill Prevention/Contingency Plan, provide staff training and verify this training is being implemented/followed by your staff during annual inspection training visits to your facility.