Corporate Retail

Whether you have one facility or several thousand located across the United States, LCG Services Inc.violation 2 (LCG) can assist with Third Party Inspections and Verifications with respect to contractor/vendor services. LCG performs 3rd party compliance inspections on contractors and vendors to ensure they are performing to owners scope of work and expectations. LCG works with facility owners/corporate program managers to ensure their assets are being serviced and maintained properly to avoid potential liability issues, notice of violations and costly repairs due to lack of maintenance and services.

LCG works with holding-pond 2owners/corporate program managers to establish verification and inspection programs that are thorough, complete and cost effective.

Infrastructure assets are vital to facility operations. Verifying that these systems are being maintained and serviced is imperative to risk and liability management, staying in compliance and operable and functioning for facility operations. Inspection by third party allows for compliance confirmation, quick remedial action and real time information to avoid future liability and risk exposure towards property assets and corporate operations.grease trap cleaning photo

LCG specializes in providing asset management services, including:

  • stormwater systems management, including pond management, stormwater lift stations, stormwater proprietary systems, and stormwater permitting compliance services;
  • sewer pretreatment device management, including oil water separators (OWSs), oil-sand separators; grease trap and grease interceptor devices, Fats-Oils-Grease (FOG) Programs management services,
  • sanitary sewer asset management, including sewer lift stations, back-up power generators, wastewater collection systems, and sanitary system compliance;
  • groundwater dewatering asset management services, including groundwater dewatering permitting & reporting services, and dewatering (and treatment) system monitoring services; and
  • groundwater remediation system management services, including remediation system design, permitting, construction, monitoring, O&M, and reporting services.

LCG also offers owner representation when needed. LCG can provide detailed record and accounting of contractors expenditures during emergency response clean up actions or during maintenance rehabilitations. By adding on-site representation, owner and corporate program managers can be assured all work is being performed by stipulated scope of work and purchase order, thus allowing detailed information for invoice verifications.

LCG also provides coordination between corporate program managers and local facility managers as well as provide required reporting to agencies per Federal, State and local reporting requirements. LCG will act as liaison between client and municipality to ensure all information and requests are carried out smoothly, precisely and completely.

LCG performs third party risk assessments to ensure all clean-up activities have been completed thorough to reduce any potential oversight from contractors that could present liability action by

LCG performs all these duties throughout the United States and has compliance inspectors ready for dispatch as moments notice.

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